Saturday, July 11, 2009

Inefficiency dividend

The Australian Federal Public Service has been subjected to the so-called 'efficiency dividend' for about twenty years now. This has been something like a general and arbitrary 1% cut in funding each year for the last two decades. That makes at least 20% reduction in real terms in the value of resources allocated to sustaining some of the really vital supports of Australian democracy.

I see the results of this now in the "Sausage Factory" where I work. Training is under resourced, the quality of work is becoming harder to sustain, and there are chronic and systematic failures of communication. This makes me think of an Economics lecturer I once heard saying that he couldn't really see what 'dis-economies of scale' might be. He had talked enthusiastically about economies of scale but said he just didn't see where any real problems would come from with continuous scaling up of work organisations.

Well I think there is one word mainly which covers most aspects of dis-economies of scale: communication. That is, real communication goes down the tubes within organisations as the size and complexity of the enterprise grows beyond a certain threshold. The standard bureaucratic answer to the extra efforts needed to keep an ever growing organisation going is to major on the establishment of COMMAND and the ever more detailed management of an exponentially growing corpus of official procedures. Micro management - majoring on minutiae - seems to become an end in itself and the ever more detailed prescriptions of procedures take on the aura and gravity of the Word of God. What can common sense and community do in the face of a seemingly remorseless and unstoppable depersonalisation of relationships? They go underground that's what. Networks, in so far as any do exist, become the means for escaping from the baleful influence of the command structure rather than a natural, organic complement to official chains of command.

When communication dies in an organisation, productivity dies with it. I just wish the Prime Minister and Treasurer of this country could realise that "the fat" has long since gone, now it is just nerves and muscle that are being carved off.

1 comment:

  1. An amusing thought to play with is that the concept "Whole of Government", which some politicians and bureaucrats like to fantasise about, actually entails an increase of complexity. In other words, to be successful projects created with "Whole of Government" as part of their rationale, need far more resources to make them work than the self-blinded wishful thinkers can ever realise.

    In Australia the so-called "Efficiency Dividend" has eaten the W and left us with just the hole to fall into.
